Hi all,
So sorry to have been absent for so long. Life has taken a busier turn, but I think I'm on a more even keel. Looking forward to a new year of regular posts and will include the following topics in the next month or so:
Racism/difference in public schools
How your child views race
Attachment disorder & book reviews
Solidifying your family's foundation
Sound interesting? I'm looking forward to discussing these topics, so get your typing fingers ready. In the meantime, have a very safe and happy New Year! See you in 2009! :)
This is the view from Toad Cottage. It is my house so all stories, opinions, reviews, and contests are mine and the property of Toad Cottage. We hope to celebrate, illuminate, accentuate, and luxuriate. Join us for stories, kidlit book reviews, contests, challenges, interviews, op-ed pieces, and lots of cottage fun!

December 29, 2008
July 21, 2008
Latest from Toad Cottage

Hi all,
Life is whistling by with preparations for the parents' 50th anniversary party, so there has not been time to post about the deep subjects I've been hoping to post about. So, as a small commercial break, (please play Jeopardy music in your head while reading...) and for the A Little Bit Pregnant readers that wander over for proof of Sweetpea's existence, here are a couple of pictures.
July 04, 2008
Independence Day from Hair Horror
Well, I know it is a definate and rather selfish departure from the discussion of diversity in schools I had planned, but today being Independence Day and all.....
A pair of lovely blogs I read (here: http://whoorl.com/ and here: http://mooshinindy.com/ ) are doing a fabulous contest and the randomly chosen winner gets a hair makeover! (I am not a lucky person, but still hold out hope that I will be made over into a long, curly haired person!) So, here is my entry.
Though I am loathe to admit it, here is what my hair looked like in my "Ugly Years". Now don't laugh because you know we all have them! Mine just lasted a bit longer than I would have hoped.

This one is me relatively recently, though I just had a run-in with a far too overzealous stylist enamored with razorcutting.
Now, I am aware that making over a short haircut is more than a challenge, but surely I can count on all of you to collectively cross your fingers that I might win this thing. I will offer my head in a no-holds-barred challenge. Honeybun has suggested going for a lively pink shade. Hmmmmm.
A pair of lovely blogs I read (here: http://whoorl.com/ and here: http://mooshinindy.com/ ) are doing a fabulous contest and the randomly chosen winner gets a hair makeover! (I am not a lucky person, but still hold out hope that I will be made over into a long, curly haired person!) So, here is my entry.
Though I am loathe to admit it, here is what my hair looked like in my "Ugly Years". Now don't laugh because you know we all have them! Mine just lasted a bit longer than I would have hoped.

This one is me relatively recently, though I just had a run-in with a far too overzealous stylist enamored with razorcutting.
Now, I am aware that making over a short haircut is more than a challenge, but surely I can count on all of you to collectively cross your fingers that I might win this thing. I will offer my head in a no-holds-barred challenge. Honeybun has suggested going for a lively pink shade. Hmmmmm.
June 12, 2008
Hello! No, I haven't been stolen by gypsies, joined the Foreign Legion, or disappeared into a crack in the earth. End of school, etc. has been keeping us hopping. So, in the meantime, until next week when life will slow down to less than warp speed, I've tweaked the montages and made them into DVD's . Take a peek here if you like.
and, of course, here.
Next week I'll be addressing the issue of diversity (or lack of same) in NH public schools, and how we as parents/educators should deal with this. Lots to say on this and will be interested to see what others experienced and have to say. See you then! Meanwhile, my little girl is graduating from kindergarten on Monday! EEEEK! What happened to my teeny baby? Hard to believe that I can love my daughters this much and not explode with the force of 3 million super novas.
and, of course, here.
Next week I'll be addressing the issue of diversity (or lack of same) in NH public schools, and how we as parents/educators should deal with this. Lots to say on this and will be interested to see what others experienced and have to say. See you then! Meanwhile, my little girl is graduating from kindergarten on Monday! EEEEK! What happened to my teeny baby? Hard to believe that I can love my daughters this much and not explode with the force of 3 million super novas.
April 23, 2008
What a week it's been! Ok, a couple of weeks but who's counting? Pardon me while I put a little 'X' for today on the calendar.
Well, after much research, Columbo-style investigation, gnashing of teeth, and general hysterics by the younger set here at Toad Cottage (We named our little house when we bought it after the gigantic toad that lives in our trash closet connected to the garage. He kindly lets us rent space in the closet to store our trashbags that await the lovely yellow truck collecting them once a week.), I have found hair products that truly work miraculously on my daughters' hair! (The bath water parted, light shone in a sparkling arc over the tub, and choirs of angels struck up a tune...) I stumbled upon a company called Mixed Chicks over at http://www.mixedchicks.net/curlyhairproducts.html and they generously sent me some samples. We received their shampoo, deep conditioner, and leave-in conditioner. Fabulous results ensued!!! Both girls love the scent. I'm very sensitive to smells so I was skeptical, but these products really smell darn good! We used the Mixed Chicks style suggestion and did Honeybun's hair in double twists, sat her under our "Beauty Shop dryer" (a pink table top dryer), and then let the twists go. She absolutely loved the ringlet style to her hairdo, and we kept it going for a whole week by putting a silk hairnet on her head at night. Sweetpea is going through another bout of tantrums and could only sit reasonably still for a ponytail. Oh well. I am ordering more of the Mixed Chicks products and recommend them very highly to those of you that have curly hair yourselves or Ethiopian children.
April 20, 2008
March 12, 2008
A Second Chance to Appreciate Everything
Got the call from my really wonderful surgeon today, and it is benign! Yahoooooooooooooooo!!! Thank you all so much for your good wishes, prayers and crossed fingers. Because of you and your sweet caring thoughts I have a second chance to appreciate you, my family and life alot more. Being scared out of one's wits also gives one an opportunity to consider what mark one is leaving on the world; I have considered mine to be a bit lacking and this blog might be a way to make a difference. So, my topic tomorrow (as tonight Hubby and I are celebrating with a fine Pinot Grigio and hors d'ouevres) will be beginning and maintaining a relationship with birth family. We've worked at that for the past 3 years and I'll be speaking about it at this year's ACONE conference April 5th in Westborough MA. Mind if I gather my thoughts with you? I could also use some advice on what about that topic particularly interests you or what you would want to hear more about.
Thank you again, my friends for thinking of me. I feel even stronger about supporting breast cancer patients, fund raising, hospices, etc. I'm lucky and I know that I dodged a bullet.
Got the call from my really wonderful surgeon today, and it is benign! Yahoooooooooooooooo!!! Thank you all so much for your good wishes, prayers and crossed fingers. Because of you and your sweet caring thoughts I have a second chance to appreciate you, my family and life alot more. Being scared out of one's wits also gives one an opportunity to consider what mark one is leaving on the world; I have considered mine to be a bit lacking and this blog might be a way to make a difference. So, my topic tomorrow (as tonight Hubby and I are celebrating with a fine Pinot Grigio and hors d'ouevres) will be beginning and maintaining a relationship with birth family. We've worked at that for the past 3 years and I'll be speaking about it at this year's ACONE conference April 5th in Westborough MA. Mind if I gather my thoughts with you? I could also use some advice on what about that topic particularly interests you or what you would want to hear more about.
Thank you again, my friends for thinking of me. I feel even stronger about supporting breast cancer patients, fund raising, hospices, etc. I'm lucky and I know that I dodged a bullet.
March 07, 2008
Sorry kids, cannot concentrate. Breast biopsy is scheduled for monday morning and I just can't seem to focus on anything til' after I get the results. If you're the praying kind, please offer one for me? If not, I could really use your crossed fingers. Thanks, and I'll talk to you on Tuesday.
February 22, 2008
January 21, 2008

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