October 31, 2019

Halloweensie Contest 2019

Image result for photos of halloween moon

Here we are again! Time has completely flown by since last year's Halloweensie and I'm barely making the deadline. The rules are that the entry must be no more than 100 words and include trick, cobweb and potion.

You can find out all the deets at https://susannahill.com/category/halloweensie-contest/

So, without further ado........ drumroll please........., here is my 2019 entry!
Happy Halloween(sie)!

The Magic of Glynnis McDoo

A Halloween Story of 93 words

Gather round, little goblins, and I'll tell you
about the midnight ride of Glynnis McDoo.
You'll guess, of course
that she rode on a horse,
a theory that I will undo.

That inky night when the moon was high,
bats circled above in the velvety sky.
She rubbed on some lotion,
It turned out to be potion
dropped by a witch swooping by.

Cobwebs covered the lights on the street,
Glynnis wondered, trick or a treat?
She hopped on a broom,
flew right out of the room,
and her Halloween night was complete!

Image result for pictures of a jack o'lantern

July 13, 2019

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So, FINALLY after what turns out to be several years - I am redoing the blog! Contain your applause and cheers..... ;)

The first of September will bring a new and exciting phase for Toad Cottage. I'll be offering stories, interesting snippets about life in these tenuous times, instruction on writing/querying/publishing, parenting and specifically parenting children of color, and other fascinating content. Hope you'll come back then. I'm planning quite a soiree for the kickoff!