A pair of lovely blogs I read (here: http://whoorl.com/ and here: http://mooshinindy.com/ ) are doing a fabulous contest and the randomly chosen winner gets a hair makeover! (I am not a lucky person, but still hold out hope that I will be made over into a long, curly haired person!) So, here is my entry.
Though I am loathe to admit it, here is what my hair looked like in my "Ugly Years". Now don't laugh because you know we all have them! Mine just lasted a bit longer than I would have hoped.

This one is me relatively recently, though I just had a run-in with a far too overzealous stylist enamored with razorcutting.
Now, I am aware that making over a short haircut is more than a challenge, but surely I can count on all of you to collectively cross your fingers that I might win this thing. I will offer my head in a no-holds-barred challenge. Honeybun has suggested going for a lively pink shade. Hmmmmm.