Hi there! I know that you have probably forgotten about me by now, but I am on my way back home to Tale of Two Kiddies. After a long hiatus, we will be back on the air at least 3 days a week with all kinds of topics, giveaways, and basic chatter. Please do join me? Posts will begin in earnest on Thursday of this week. In the meantime, those of you with kids, that like kids, that teach kids, or are kids, head on over to The Crafty Crow at http://www.belladia.typepad.com/crafty_crow/ for fun crafts, great photos and links, and this week a cool giveaway for an apron pattern!
See you on Thursday!
PS. Went to the Ethiopian Culture Camp this past weekend, and had a fab time! We'll be saving our pennies for the whole weekend next year. Here are the girls in their new Ethiopian finery!