October 20, 2006

Postponed again.

I was informed by the agency that I will not travel until the 25th of November. Yep, that's right - Thanksgiving Day. Can you imagine the delays, crowds, and cost involved in traveling on the holiday? I tell you, I am counting the minutes until this is done and I don't have to deal with anyone about my child anymore. I'm sure you can imagine what nasty thoughts are whirling around in my overtired/overly frustrated/over everythinged brain. When I explained that she has bonded to a nanny there and, according to a psychologist I spoke to, the longer that she is there at her age and developmental stage and more securely bonding to the nanny, the more adjustment issues she will have here. Nice. My poor little girl. She will not spend Thanksgiving with us giving thanks for her, nor will she spend her 2nd birthday with her big sister.


Cakes said...

oh Beth...you have gotten such a runaround on this! I'm so sorry. Is it time to send out the posse?!

Beth Gallagher said...

I would love to kick some a$$ myself as I feel like the US staff is totally at the mercy of the Eth. staff. No responsibility or accounting of funds and time. But that's another story. Just is frustrating that she's just a "case" and not a 2 yr. old that was traumatized and will be again. Even my ulcers are crying.

Anonymous said...

Oh, that's hard! I'm so sorry for the delay.

Hang on to the idea that, whatever additional difficulties it causes, things will all work out in the end!

Wishing you well :-)

Anonymous said...

Sorry about the delay. I have traveled on Thanksgiving day- it is really pretty smooth. Most people are traveling the day before and the day after, so the day of is usually pretty smooth.

Still doesn't make the delay any more palatable, I know.

Nomadic One said...
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Nomadic One said...

Oh, Beth...I just read this tonight and I'm so sorry that there is another delay. I want that little girl home w/her mom and dad and big sis where she belongs.

I agree w/jen-again, though, Thanksgiving Day travel is usually quite easy so I hope you can get some sort of miracle deal on airfare and have a smooth trip. Keep updating.

Good thoughts coming your way!


Anonymous said...

I am new to your site, and so sorry to see that you wont have your baby girl for Thanksgiving or her b-day. My cousins adopted a little girl in Russia and went through much of the same run around and so much more. Best wishes and I am anxious to see the new addition!

Anonymous said...

Oh no, totally frustrating!

Jess said...

How is Kaly taking the delay?