and I have found them. They all seem to read a wonderful blog written by another angel that I am fortunate to call my friend http://www.alittlepregnant.com/. This particular angel, the Michaelangelo of quilts, blessed with a very sharp wit, an adorable child, and a very large heart made the exquisite quilt pictured above and offered to raffle it off to help bring my darling Sweetpea home. I am speechless at her selfless compassion for us and for Sweetpea, as without her we don't think we could have brought Sweetpea back to her sister. Honestly. The funds just weren't there. This angel called upon her angel pals and they all bought tickets for a chance to win the beautiful quilt. I was and still am completely awestruck at the generosity and love that you all showed to us - a family that you never met. Now I realize that the quilt itself is absolutely devine, but the comments from you on her blog were so beautiful that thinking of them still make me cry. All of you angels have forever changed our family. Sweetpea is now a healthy, happy, loving, and joyful little girl that basks in the overwhelming love of her big sister and can sleep easy knowing that her mom and dad will never leave her alone again. Thank you to all of you that helped our family. We can never repay you all, but will 'pay it forward' and hope that we can do something great in your name. Please know that you all make up a quilt amazingly more beautiful than the one my angel made that will keep us warm for years to come. Blessings on all of you and love from our family to yours.
I will try to update you all on our newest daughter & her sister regularly, as well as let you know how I will continue your generosity. Thank you all so much.
I have popped over to see your little girls - they are gorgeous!!
(Dying to win the quilt - it will go on the wall! I have just the spot! When is the draw?)
I'm so happy your little SweetPea is finally home. It is so beautiful to see the sisters together!
I stumbled on your blog from "a little pregnant". I too am an a-mom, with a 5 yr old African Canadian child. We may have the opportunity to adopt her younger sister later this year. (Right now she is still in foster care in the Ontario system). I would love to chat with you more about your experience with your two little ones. We are headed on vacation til the middle of the month, but if you are comfortable, please email me after the 12th of Feb.....jcarroll@tbpl.ca
Take care and enjoy those two beauties!
I got a couple of chances on the quilt, although with all the other wonderful people who bought chances, I stand little chance of winning it. My contribution was tiny compared to the swelling of joy in my heart that I get when I sneak over here and look at the pictures of your girls finally together and home. May that happiness, love, and joy continue in your home forever and ever.
Congratulations on your two wonderful daughters.. also got here through Julie's blog "alittlepregnant"... You story is so touching! Thanks for sharing it. The video you made with the photos of your older daughter was just beautiful!
The girls are beautiful. Congratulations! I stumbled upon this from Julie's blog.
Wow, what a beautiful story and two glorious daughters that you have. Congrats and good wishes to you! I hope you get some more sleep soon; I'm sure things will get easier with every passing month. You and your husband are true angels!
Congatulations on surviving such an amazing (and I don't mean that in a good way) trip - so grateful and happy that both your daughters are with you now, safe and sound.
Thank you for sharing the photos of your beautiful little girls. I'm so glad things have worked out for you!
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