Hi all,
Sorry to have been silent for so long, but things have been a bit hectic around here. The girls are wonderful except for the small issues (terrible two's are a mite too terrible at times, language frustration on the part of Sweetpea, core abandonment emotions and grief on the part of Honeybun since "losing her place" in her eyes, end of school, dance recital, etc. etc. etc.), and truly do love each other desparately. They are my gift from God and my angels. Here are a couple of pictures to tide you over. I'll talk to you more about the above tomorrow when I can locate my missing glasses. Certain little people like to try them on, you see, and I found them last in the cat's litterbox.
Ewww on the glasses in the litterbox.
Thanks for the update. I hope all calms down a wee bit soon.
I LOVE the new pics!!! The girls are so adorable and I can't wait to see them in two months!!!
And, as for the litterbox story...be glad one of them didn't remove a little lump of 'something' from the box and eat it...Munchkin did that at about 16 months old which prompted an emergency call to the pedi! Yucko.
Missing you...xoxoxo,
Thanks for the update. I have you on my favorites list and check in reguarly. Your daughters are beautiful and their smiles are infectious. That's what kids are all about. Your site makes me realize that I'm not the only one with long days (and nights). Feel free if time permits to check us out. www.ronellisconsulting.blogspot.com
I like the new doos...
I just found you blog and wanted to say it's wonderful!! I've read the whole thing today and the photos to the music made me shed a tear - the love surrounding your family is very evident and touching...
So thank you for sharing this with the world. Looking forward to reading more :o)
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