A Second Chance to Appreciate Everything
Got the call from my really wonderful surgeon today, and it is benign! Yahoooooooooooooooo!!! Thank you all so much for your good wishes, prayers and crossed fingers. Because of you and your sweet caring thoughts I have a second chance to appreciate you, my family and life alot more. Being scared out of one's wits also gives one an opportunity to consider what mark one is leaving on the world; I have considered mine to be a bit lacking and this blog might be a way to make a difference. So, my topic tomorrow (as tonight Hubby and I are celebrating with a fine Pinot Grigio and hors d'ouevres) will be beginning and maintaining a relationship with birth family. We've worked at that for the past 3 years and I'll be speaking about it at this year's ACONE conference April 5th in Westborough MA. Mind if I gather my thoughts with you? I could also use some advice on what about that topic particularly interests you or what you would want to hear more about.
Thank you again, my friends for thinking of me. I feel even stronger about supporting breast cancer patients, fund raising, hospices, etc. I'm lucky and I know that I dodged a bullet.
I'm so pleased it was benign, I know how scary that wait can be... Enjoy today! I'm sure you will sleep well tonight :o)
PHEW! I'm so glad to read this, Beth!! What a relief!
Wonderful news! Thanks for updating us. We were waiting. :)
Congratulations on dodging that bullet. News likes this also makes me appreciate my own health. Thanks for reminding me not to take the little things in life for granted.
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