January 06, 2007


Anonymous said...

what a lovley pic!

Anonymous said...

Can't ever see enough pics of the girls together...fab!

Calico Sky said...

how beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the adoption of your two precious li'l girls. I couldn't help but to notice the two dolls they have...I just hope and pray that they will also have some brown babies that look just like them too...a friend of mine sent me this video http://www.mediathatmattersfest.org/6/a_girl_like_me/
It broke my heart to watch it. Then when I saw those two dolls in your photo I couldn't help but to write you...Please let these girls know that they are BEAUTIFUL and will always be BEAUTIFUL no matter how different they may look from those around them.

ryan said...

Just wanted to stop in and say congratulations and thank you for sharing your daughters' amazing story. How wonderful that they will be able to grow up together!

Ali said...

They are absolutely beautiful!!!!

Beth Gallagher said...

Don't worry, we have lots of babies in this house and they are every color imaginable. Neither DH or I grew up in a "cloroxed" families, so are very used to seeing the beauty of all. Our darlings know very well that they are gorgeous and that their color is a part of their whole beauty. Sweetpea's baby is her favorite Baby Alive (though I would like to kick it under a bus) because 'her mouth feels real'. Hmmm. Honeybun's baby is one of a miriad of multicolored cabbage patch dolls inhabiting our closet. "Lily" just happened to fall out when Honeybun opened the closet, so got to tour the yard in a stroller. I'm sure all the others are jealous.

Beth Gallagher said...

And, I must say, in my own special long winded way... we believe that we are all the same under our body's coverings. Our thoughts here are that beauty is inside not on the shell. Our girls also see this. Though they obviously notice difference, Honeybun has commented that she thinks people are "silly for thinking their outsides make them interesting". From the mouths of babes.

On the movie thing... while I think it's interesting and horrifying, I think it's wrong to place 2 identical dolls with only their color as a difference and then ask a child to pick one that is ugly, or bad, or whatever. JMO

Michelle said...

Oh, they are so beautiful! I bought some raffle tickets for the quilt. It was the least I could do.

beagle said...

How wonderful!